Lord Street, as a shared zone, is intentionally designed to meander in order to slow vehicles down. This means that the road width varies with the narrowest point at 6.0m including the grated drain. While the architectural design plan indicated a desired width of 7.0m, the engineering construction design had to take into consideration the location of services, drainage, property boundaries, disability access and other regulatory requirements. The change between architectural design to engineering construction drawings is not unusual in civil construction projects.
The new road width for Lord Street past the police station is the same width also. The minimum lane width required is 5.5m for two lanes, which allows vehicles (semi-trailer or smaller) to pass each other on the roadway at 5.5m (2.75m per lane). Many high-speed rural roads (100km/h) are based on a seal width of 5.5m to 5.8m wide.