

What you told us


Do not obstruct views to the bay.

Avoid structures that would block views on the foreshore.



Reflect a sense of place through artwork and streetscape materials / furniture.

Improve the streetscapes to enhance the appearance of the town.


What are the main concerns?

The natural features of the landscape around Port Campbell are the highlight of the town.

Views to the bay and surrounding cliff lines are highly important.

There is a strong sense of place to be maintained.

Retain the bay as the most significant feature of the town.

Port Campbell is perceived as a natural place. 


Has the proposal considered the concerns?

Flexible open space on the foreshore allow for appreciation of views to the natural setting.

Use of natural materials including stone paving and timber have been proposed.

The design is unique to Port Campbell, not a generic coastal town approach. 


What should be considered?

Develop a species list in accordance with the local EVCs and other criteria.

Preserve views. Avoid using any tall vegetation or visually obtrusive structures.