Initial consultation


Draft Design Concept Plans were exhibited during January/February 2018.

Over 150 responses were received along with a community information session which was well attended.

Consideration of all the feedback has occurred and further community consultation is to now being undertaken in relation to the Cairns Street/Foreshore Area.

Port Campbell Community Reference Group has considered feedback, suggested adjustments and alternatives to draft design concept plans with Council now releasing four options for the Cairns Street/Foreshore area for community feedback.

Initial Feedback Summary:

Feedback received (surveys, email, letters and feedback boxes) from the community, has been broadly formulated into four themes/categories.

  • Movement: pedestrian and vehicular
  • Environment: flora, fauna, material, other
  • Land Use: uses, parking
  • Character: views, place

For each of these four themes an analysis took place by Council, Hansen, Port Campbell Community Reference Group and Council officers. This included a summary of the feedback, identifying underlying issues, consideration of how the draft concept plan responded to the underlying feedback, and potential areas for further review before the design concept plan work can move forward.

  • What you told us
  • What are the main concerns and issues
  • Has the proposed concept plans considered the feedback
  • What should be considered
  • What items raised are beyond the scope of the project